Monday, 28 June 2010


In June 2012, Banff & Buchan College was granted final approval to undertake its College 2012 project which sees the refurbishment of its main campus building in Fraserburgh.

The building was intially constructed in 1973 and has been developed over almost 40 years to the point where it now requires a major overhaul to allow it to deliver a modern learning experience for its clients.
Following work by HAA Design and more recently CDA Architects, a new design has emerged which will see the demolition and refurbishment of over two thirds of the existing building. This work is due to be completed by February 2012.
This blog has been developed to allow followers to view progress and to see the changes taking place as Robertson Construction Northern implement the plans which have been designed.
See for more information on the main contractor.

Existing Building (Long corridors / external courtyards)

Proposed Layout (courtyards now replaced with large, central atrium)
Let the 'soft strip' commence.....

First all the furniture was decanted to various locations (Temporary Accommodation, Ellon, Macduff, etc.). Excess furniture was stored in the gym hall until a suitable home was found.

Rooms were then 'soft-stripped' removing all carpets, fixtures and fittings. Above is the library looking towards the librarian's office (right door) and store room (left door).

The lecture theatre with all seating and carpets removed. Some timber cladding still to be stripped.

...and from a different angle.

Reception / Admissions area looking towards stair to Boardroom.

Picture taken from the Boardroom looking towards the exit stairs (middle), Fiona Odger's office (left) and Gordon Macdonald's cupboard! (right). Not much left!

The tile mosaic emerged from behind a plasterboard wall. It was originally a feature at the entrance next to 'Jessie's' desk!


  1. Interesting pictures, it will be good to see the building work progress. Good to hear the builders are ahead of schedule.

  2. Great insight - fascinating to see what is going on behind the 'Keep Out' signs!

  3. Exciting stuff. Can't wait to see the transformation and it will be upon us before we know it :-)
